Why must you children of Abraham
fight among yourselves?
You share a common heritage
and the water from the wells.
Bad things can only happen
if you continue with your fight,
our greatest fear is that it spreads
and sets the world alight.
Traits and customs make you brothers
and you worship the same God,
dwelling upon the very land
that Moses and Abraham trod.
If the two of you could get along
that land might be a garden,
but to co-operate and reach a deal
means first exchanging pardons.
Please subdue the hatred
that’s eating at you hearts,
if not for you then for your children
they deserve a better start.
Put down your guns and seek the life
that’s good for both your tribes,
bring forth the milk and honey
the scriptures all describe.
God loves you both in equal measure
scripture tells you so,
please love him back and live in peace
to let his blessings flow.
by Robert Quinn
all rights reserved
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